Sunday, May 1, 2016

An open letter to PNoy a.k.a Panot

You have read my first open letter in 2010, and I am confident that you will read my last open letter to you, not asking for anything but guess what? I want to tell you that I am not letting the people vote for your Presidential bet. More so, I will not let them vote straight for Liberal Party. Just because of the "Daang matuwid" slogan? And just because you say so? NO!
We've met 6 years ago, when you were still a senator. Then came the day when you decided to run. I was there, my whole family was there. I helped you during the campaign. I attended some of your campaign sorties. Without any given budget nor food allowance, I campaigned for you. I believed in you.Not because you are Aquino but because, we trusted you. But just as I am not forcing my friends to vote for "Daang Matuwid" people, I still want to do the same thing now - to enlighten them. I didn't force my friends and families to vote for you. Some just did. When you became the President of the Philippines, I am one proud supporter. To my surprise, I was invited by your office on your victory party. I was also there during your inauguration in Quirino Grandstand. I was that one proud young Filipina, who didn't make any history, but was standing there right next to politicians, showbiz personalities and national artists. We were there for you when you took your oath of office. You have included me in your circle. I am a nobody, but your whole family took care of my heart. You sympathized with me even after my grandfather's death. Some called me the youngest yellow lady during that time. And my whole family is always in awe. Regardless of those occasions you shared with ordinary people like me. 6 years after the Inauguration, I am writing in behalf of the Filipino workers and of the young entrepreneurs in this country. Pnoy, you have been a great President. You have been a great leader. and I am a living testament that you are a good person. It's election season, and I am not endorsing anyone. I am not campaigning for Mar just because you say so. I am not campaigning for Leni just because you say so. I am campaigning for you, again. I wanted my friends to know how you turned this country's economy upside down. How you fought against graft & corruption, How you managed to be accountable for every issue people have been throwing at you. I am campaigning for you to let the Filipinos know how thankful we should be for what you did to this country. And unlike any other President with spouses, You have overseen the entire Philippines single-handedly. I will not despise those people who call you Panot, abnoy, lousy or whanot. Why? Because the more they call you names, the more it is obvious that they cannot, in any way question your performance as a commander in chief, thus, they just attack you based on what they see physically. The best manifestation that those people can do nothing but attack you. Those are the same people who do not do research, who are not concerned about the numbers, and do not give an inch of care even about Philippines' macroeconomic disposition. I pity them. So thank you Mr President. We have been campaigning for "Daang Matuwid" for 6 years now. And just like before, I will not force my friends to vote for your party's standard bearer. The least that I can do is make them realize, that the right path we have been referring to, is the path wherein people (as one) will have a direction that aims for the betterment of our country. The path that gives priority to the Philippines'welfare without any vested interest along its way.
It is sad that this election season, the divisions and the "civil war" project a not-so clear view of that road. But I pray, God will lead us to the right way. I am still for "Daang Matuwid". But I am not relying the righteousness of it to any candidate. I've been on your back for 6 years. Silently fighting with you through thick and thin. And even if your term is almost done. I will forever be grateful, that at one point in my life. I have met not the best President, but the most sincere leader of the Filipino citizens. The President with a BIG heart. You did it Pnoy. We did it. You are not the Daang matuwid. You are the holder of the light to that road, and those who are not blind to see, found their way and will continue the legacy. Endless thank You, Pnoy!
And before I forget, you have said on your 2010 speech, "KAYO ANG BOSS KO!". So, to be fair to the bearer of the hardest position in this country, and as your "boss" I am giving you a grade of VS. You made a very satisfactory performance. 6 Years of good governance. Kudos, Pnoy!
Joylyn Alonso
The grand daughter of the dying cancer patient you have visited when you were not yet "PNOY'. The grand daughter whose life has changed because of that visit.

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